Speaking & Listening Resources
From Adastra Speech
Information, Digital Downloads, and Online Courses - Adastra Speech Online
Newsletter - "Thinking About Speaking"
Meetup Groups - American English Pronunciation Q&A and American English Intonation
YouTube - Adastra Speech channel
Visualization of Intonation (Hz changes)
WASP & Real Time Pitch - free software downloads for PC's (and browser versions) for visualization of pitch from University College London
Speech Analyzer - more complicated, but has ability to slow playback speed
PRAAT - most technical, good for research, but not so user-friendly
Phone Apps
Voice Analyst - Displays change in frequency (intonation) and volume
Voice Pitch Analyzer - Displays your frequency range, min/max/avg
ELSA Speak - Speak and get feedback on sounds, word stress, intonation
ELSA Instant - Chrome Extension - Click on any word in your browser window to hear it spoken, you repeat and record
Individual Speech Sounds
Sounds of Speech - University of Iowa phonetics site (English is only available on an app now)
Phonetic Chart of US English -click to hear each sound
English Accent Coach - learn and practice sounds and IPA symbols
Speaking Opportunities
Meetup - find people who share similar interests and hobbies
Volunteer Match - find organizations and companies that need volunteers
InterNations - connect with other ex-patriots living and working in the US
eventbrite - find events for social and professional interests
Listening Online
StoryCorps - Listen to real people tell stories about their lives
Ted Talks - Listen to well-prepared presentations
American Rhetoric - Speeches from real life and movies
EnglishCentral - Choose the "slow speed" button to listen more carefully
IDEA -International Dialects of English Archive (Paul Meier, University of Kansas)
YouGlish - Search YouTube for the exact word or words you want to hear spoken by real people
PlayPhrase - Search Movie clips for the exact word or words you want to hear spoken
Information, Digital Downloads, and Online Courses - Adastra Speech Online
Newsletter - "Thinking About Speaking"
Meetup Groups - American English Pronunciation Q&A and American English Intonation
YouTube - Adastra Speech channel
Visualization of Intonation (Hz changes)
WASP & Real Time Pitch - free software downloads for PC's (and browser versions) for visualization of pitch from University College London
Speech Analyzer - more complicated, but has ability to slow playback speed
PRAAT - most technical, good for research, but not so user-friendly
Phone Apps
Voice Analyst - Displays change in frequency (intonation) and volume
Voice Pitch Analyzer - Displays your frequency range, min/max/avg
ELSA Speak - Speak and get feedback on sounds, word stress, intonation
ELSA Instant - Chrome Extension - Click on any word in your browser window to hear it spoken, you repeat and record
Individual Speech Sounds
Sounds of Speech - University of Iowa phonetics site (English is only available on an app now)
Phonetic Chart of US English -click to hear each sound
English Accent Coach - learn and practice sounds and IPA symbols
Speaking Opportunities
Meetup - find people who share similar interests and hobbies
Volunteer Match - find organizations and companies that need volunteers
InterNations - connect with other ex-patriots living and working in the US
eventbrite - find events for social and professional interests
Listening Online
StoryCorps - Listen to real people tell stories about their lives
Ted Talks - Listen to well-prepared presentations
American Rhetoric - Speeches from real life and movies
EnglishCentral - Choose the "slow speed" button to listen more carefully
IDEA -International Dialects of English Archive (Paul Meier, University of Kansas)
YouGlish - Search YouTube for the exact word or words you want to hear spoken by real people
PlayPhrase - Search Movie clips for the exact word or words you want to hear spoken